Titolo: Black Wave
Autore: L. Renee Richard
Saga: Forged Hearts #1
Editore: Self Publishing
Genere: dark and mafia romance
Edizioni: €18,19 paperback; €4,59 ebook; Free on KU
Uscita: 31 gennaio 2024
Questo non รจ il primo libro della Richard che leggo, quindi sapevo di andare sul sicuro. Con mia somma gioia devo ammettere che le aspettative sono state rispettate, e anche in Black Wave troviamo tutti gli elementi che contraddistinguono questo dark romance come nato dalla sua penna: abbiamo colpi di scena, umorismo, azione, una buona dose di tragedie che non guastano mai e, cosa che apprezzo molto, la presenza del second chance.
"I love you so much, Emma, and no matter what, I'll never leave you. Even if you think I am not around, a parte of my soul will always be with you."
Ovviamente non รจ oro tutto ciรฒ che luccica, e anche per Eduardo le difficoltร non mancano, specialmente quando si tratta di Emma. Proprio grazie alla storia di Emma ed Eduardo impareremo quanto sia importanti il supporto delle persone che amiamo nel momento del bisogno, che non dobbiamo fare per forza tutto da soli e che, a volte, essere in difficoltร non รจ sinonimo di debolezza.
Anche se puรฒ sembrare, almeno da fuori, quel classico dark romance dove tutto gira intorno ad affari loschi, in realtร , spesso il lettore si ritroverร ad essere piรน smosso dai sentimenti e dai momenti significativi che costellano la narrazione.
Ovviamente questo per dire che il ritmo รจ scorrevole e si รจ sempre col fiato sospeso nel tentativo di scoprire qualcosa in piรน, per vedere come tutto si evolverร e cosa ne sarร dei protagonisti.
E – ooooh! – quel plot twist finale! Ma non vi dirรฒ nient’altro!
This isn't the first Richard’s book I've read, so I knew I was on the safe. To my great joy, I must admit that expectations were respected, and also in Black Wave we find all the elements that distinguish this dark romance as born from her pen: we have twists, humor, action, a good dose of tragedies that don't hurt never and, what I really appreciate, the presence of the second chance trope.
"I love you so much, Emma, and no matter what, I'll never leave you. Even if you think I am not around, a parte of my soul will always be with you."
I'll start by saying that any reader who would like to approach reading this book should first check the Trigger Warnings, given that some contents and situations are particularly sensitive. In fact, at the beginning of the story, Emma (the main character) finds herself in an abusive relationship and, when she finally manages to open up to her family to seek help and get out of it, her counterpart makes his move and leads her into abyss. All this, however, leads her to see again that boy with whom she had a special relationship as a child, a boy she hadn't seen for a long time but who seems to be all she needs to truly heal, Eduardo.
Obviously nothing is perfect, and there is no shortage of difficulties for Eduardo too, especially when it comes to Emma. Thanks to Emma and Eduardo's story, we will learn how important the support of the people we love is in times of need, that we don't have to do everything alone and that, sometimes, being in difficulty is not synonymous with weakness.
Although it may seem, at least from the outside, that classic dark romance where everything revolves around shady business, in reality, the reader will often find himself more moved by the feelings and significant moments that dot the narrative.
Obviously, this is to say that the pace is smooth, and one is always in suspense in an attempt to discover something more, to see how everything will evolve and what will become of the characters.
And – ooooh! – that final plot twist! But I won't tell you anything else!
I received the ARC from Greys Promotions in exchange of a honest review.
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